miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Contenidos de los exámenes online del PAI

  • Periodic table (metals and non-metals; transition metals, noble gases; periodic trends: groups and periods)
  • International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC naming and classification of: alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters; structural formulas)
  • The atmosphere (characteristics of gases; atmospheric composition, testing and treatment; extraction, emission and environmental implications)
  • Matter (states and properties of matter; particle/kinetic theory, diffusion; atomic structure [including Isotopes]; electron configuration and valency)
  • Pure and impure substances (types of mixtures [solutions, oils, alloys, emulsions]; separation techniques, including: filtration, distillation [including crude oil], chromatography)
  • Bonding (structure and bonding, properties, chemical formulas, chemical reactions and the conservation of mass; balancing equations, the mole concept and chemical calculations; reaction kinetics [rates, and factors affecting rates/collision theory]; equilibria/reversible reactions; energy changes in reactions, endo- and exothermicity; combustion of fuels)
  • Types of chemical reaction (acids and bases, neutral solutions, acid/base reactions, pH and indicators, formation of salts, uses of salts; redox reactions, reactivity series; extraction of metals, and corrosion, electrochemical cells)

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